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Thursday, September 4, 2014

Vegan Pantry Staple: Basmati Rice

"What do vegans eat?"

Sometimes it's hard to answer this question.  Uh, half a bowl of cereal while running out the door?  Leftover vegan pizza with a side of more rice dream than I care to admit publicly?  Yeahhhh.

When it's hard to admit the last time you've had kale, it's good to have a staple on hand that's delicious and easy.  Having a cupboard of these staples on hand will make life easy, and it'll make sure you're not eating stale crackers with almond butter for the third night in a row because you're too lazy to put on pants and go grocery shopping.

One of my favorite staples in my vegan pantry is a large quantity of your favorite rice.  Whether it's brown rice, basmati, wild rice, or plain white rice, rice goes with pretty much anything, and it's super filling.  You can make a nice stir-fry, eat it with some curry, or make a nice pilaf.  It's also super affordable and filling!

Rice.  It makes everything nice.

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