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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

End of vegan mofo: pumpkin muffins & community

 The end of vegan mofo!  The beginning of October which means fall is finally here.  To celebrate these two things, I made vegan pumpkin muffins with chocolate chips in them and crumble topping.

Another huge awesome thing that happened today was I got my order from Pioneer's Press!!! I was really excited because they have some great zines and stuff, but also they are doing great things and really struggling right now.  If you get a chance and like zines and stuff (they have a ton of vegan stuff), please support them!

Vegan MoFo kind of taught me how out of touch with the vegan community I am.  I used to have a few friends who were vegan or even vegetarian, and now, I don't.  I feel like, even though I live in Pittsburgh, I really don't do much to meet like-minded people.  There are so many great vegan meet-ups and stuff going on, but I don't really make an effort to go out, or I let anxiety get the best of me.  I honestly feel like I've lost a huge part of myself, and being part of a community or something larger than myself will help me work towards getting that back.

I'm really proud that I blogged as often as I did, and I'm excited to have one vegan mofo under my belt!

<3 I hope that you all keep reading and stay connected.

Congrats to all the people who made it to the end!


  1. Ooooo, those muffins look amazing! I've heard good things about Pioneer's Press; I'll have to check them out. Congrats on your first Vegan MoFo! :)

    1. Thanks! They were okay. The crumble was a bit too salty (use unsalted margarine, if you can!), and they weren't as pumpkin-y as I would have liked, but they were good for a first try baking without a recipe!

      Pioneer's Press is awesome. Check out Jessie Duke's blog. She's super amazing, and even thought I feel like a creep because she doesn't know me, she's someone that I really respect and admire.

  2. I usually have a hard time dealing with vegan's in person. I've met a few lazy vegans (aka never read the ingredients so they were constantly eating non-vegan foods), or snobby vegans (you know the ones that will stop and tell people to stop drinking something because it has GMOs). So I find myself hesitant to try and find groups for vegan potlucks and such.

    1. That's exactly what I've found! I hate to be a hater, because I'm pumped when anyone is into veganism, even just a little bit, but as far as making friends or forcing myself to socialize with them (I'm practically a hermit sometimes), no thanks.

      I'm trying to find people who also have similar interests with me beyond veganism.

      I don't want to sound judgemental, but I've found that the vegans I meet fall into the following catagories:

      - 35 to 50ish years old, upper middle class suburban women who found out about veganism from Dr. Oz or Oprah (which is fine) but who aren't really vegan ("I only eat vegan, I don't really care about my leather Coach bag.") Plus, the age difference is kind of hard to deal with.
      - Hippies who are vegan but are really out there and into smoking pot and crystals and stuff that is okay, but not for me
      - Super snobby vegans who only eat dumpstered, GMO free, palm oil free, beans and rice from sustainable and organic and local farms
      - Super healthy, fitness snobs who aren't really vegan (just their diet) either but eat only certified gluten-free, paleo, soy-free, corn-free, dirt in between runs and cross fit classes

      These are all exaggerated generalizations, but you get the point. I am super introverted, so socializing and leaving my house is pretty exhausting for me, so I have to be kind of picky about what's worth dealing with that.

  3. That's a fantastic selection from Pioneers Press! You'll enjoy reading and re-reading every single one :) This was my first time at MoFo too, it was good to meet such a diverse range of vegan minds.
