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Friday, September 26, 2014

Liebster Award

I was nominated by (I'm also officially in love with this blog), and I am so excited for this!  I must admit, I got kind of discouraged mid-way of mofo because I felt like I was just doing my own thing in a vacuum.  There have been great people commenting, and I really appreciate it, but I thought I'd feel more connected to the mofo community or something.  IDK.  I've been an overly sensitive emotional roller coaster this month, so that might be it.
Anyway, I'm so, so, so excited!

So what are the rules? 

  • Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominees.
  • Nominate 8 other blogs, let them know you have nominated them and put a link to their blog in your post.
  • No Tag backs and nominees must have under 200 followers on any platform.
  • You must tell all the blogs that you nominate that you have nominated them.

10 Questions

  1. What is your favorite food: One savory, one sweet?
    Favorite savory food is definitely Loving Hut's Lucky Lemongrass Chick'n.  I have no idea what magic they put into it, but it's the perfect texture.
    My favorite sweet food is hard.  I get kind of overwhelmed by too much sweetness, so I like my sweet foods a little savory, too.  I really like plain vanilla soy ice cream in a waffle bowl with strawberries and bananas on top.  This is a tough question!
  2. What was your first vegan cookbook?
    My husband was vegan when I met him, and he's the one who convinced me to become vegan.  I inherited "Skinny Bitch (ugh)," "Vegan Handbook," and though it's not a cookbook, "Animal Ingredients A-Z" from him.  I can't really remember my first cookbook, but "Veganomicon" was definitely the defining one.
  3. What is your specialty dish?
    I'm really good at cold salads.  I know that's really boring, but it's super handy because I can walk into any pantry/fridge, find some staples, and come up with a delicious salad.  I love making "buddha bowls" where I basically take a protein, a grain, veggies, and toppings and magically make a mind-blowing salad.

    The dish I'm best known for is my vegan buffalo chick'n dip because I take it to potlucks, and people don't believe it's vegan.  I also make phenomenal cupcakes.
  4. What is your main reason for going vegan? Environment, health, compassion?
    Compassion for animals.  When I was little, I used to go to this county fair in my hometown, and they would hold these pig races with these adorable piglets racing.  Now I think it's cruel, but I loved it back then, and it made me think about where my food came from.  I realized that all of the animals that we'd see at the fair went off to get killed.  :(  I've always been a huge animal lover, so that was hard for me.

    I also appreciate the minimal environmental impact veganism has on the world.  It's also a way to practice conscious and mindful consumerism and really pay attention to the ethical implications of buying things.
  5. What would your consider the best day off?
    It would start with an amazing brunch, swimming in a river with my dog and husband, and then reading by the campfire.

    I also really like hanging out in my pjs and having a do-nothing comfy day!
  6. How do you take your coffee?
    I never ever drink coffee, and I hate it.  I drink tea when it's cold outside, but give me a glass of ice cold water in the morning, and I'm ready to go!
  7. Do you carry your veganism into other parts of your life? (Clothing, toiletries, etc)
    Yes!  I try really hard to think about where everything comes from and its impact.  I also like making my own stuff.  I'm going to start making my own soap in October.  I can't wait for that.
  8. Do you consider yourself a feminist?
    Yes!  Always & forever.  I consider myself an intersectional feminist.
  9. What is your cooking jam?
    Strawberry ;)

    I actually like to cook in silence, with no one else around.  It's kind of a way for me to destress and just focus on something.  I usually talk to myself or my dog while I cook like a weirdo.
  10. Are you a wine, beer, hard liquor, cocktails, or non-alcohol type of person?
    Non-alcohol.  I bought a 6 pack of vegan pumpkin beer, and 4 are still sitting in my fridge.  I'm a super light weight, so any time that I drink, I end up getting really sick or really drunk too quickly.  It's embarrassing!  I'm also celebrating Octsober, a whole month of not drinking.  I'd really like to stop drinking altogether because I don't think that it's for me!


Faye at Veganopoulous
Maggie at Veg Fiend
Ashley & Amanda at The Envi Girls
Judith and Merle at La Verde Connection
Tiffany from A Journey with Tiffany
& last, but not least, Tea and Sympatico (I can't find their name because I'm bad at life)

10 Questions for the Nominees

  1. What is your favorite animal and why?
  2. How do you relax?
  3. Favorite fruit and vegetable?
  4. If you only had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  5. What is your favorite vegan media (documentary, book, band/song, or movie, etc.)?
  6. How did you decide to become vegan? What prompted you to make the change?  Did you have any setbacks?
  7. What is your favorite vegan dish from a restaurant?
  8. Do you have any friends that are vegan or how do you meet fellow vegans?
  9. What are some of your favorite vegan organizations/nonprofits or vegan "celebrities" (these don't have to be celebrities that are can be people famous in the vegan community)?
  10. Do you consider yourself an activist, and if so, what do you do to promote veganism or give back to help animals?


  1. Congrats on the Liebster Award! Loved reading your answers! :)

  2. Hi Danielle! Thanks for nominating me :) I totally feel you on the emotional roller coaster thing. Hopefully things will even out for both of us next month. Making your own soap—that sounds pretty cool. I'd be interested to hear how it works out for you!

  3. Congratulations! I love your answers. And thank you for the nomination-- I am honored. I am a little confused, as this is all very new to me... how do I know whether or not the people I nominate have already been nominated? Or does it not matter? Thanks. :-)

  4. I am a semi-non-coffee person. I'm not a coffee person in a sense that I CAN'T drink it in the morning. I have water, kombucha, and smoothies. But working at a coffee shop I really love GOOD coffee. It something I have midday.

    Skinny Bitch was my first vegan book, and it really got me interested in veganism, at least from the standpoint of dairy being really bad. I liked the book since it read a little less about dieting, and a little more about animal rights without coming off as "hippie-dippie." A few years after reading it, I wouldn't recommend it since I don't like this vegan diet movement for weight loss. I don't even know what happened to my copy of the book.

  5. I apologize for the late reply, but thanks so much for nominating me! I love your page!

  6. Hi Danielle, I found you from Alicia's blog, Conscientious Cookie. You're on Instagram too.
    I have felt like you, disconnected from the blogging community and wondered if people even read my posts. I have enjoyed Vegan Mofo this time and since I like answering questions and making lists, it was fun to get this award.
